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Luke 11:1 - Lord teach us to pray.

The title is an acronym, which is the answer for the above statement that the disciples of Jesus asked Him.

What should we do?

Y - Yield yourself unto prayer

O - Opt/Choose to pray

U - Understand the a) need of the hour & b) the power and importance of prayer

What does God do to us if follow ‘YOU’ ?

A - Anoints us

N - Nudges us

D - Desire to pray. God gives us the desire to pray.

What actually happens when YOU ‘n AND combine?

I - Inspired by God. Our prayer becomes ‘Inspired by God‘ and is no longer of our own words.

How does our prayer turn out to be as a result of the ‘I ‘ ?

L - Living

E - Edifies

A - Appropriate

R - Righteous prayer

N - Natural, as part of our lifestyle

What do we need to pray for by learning the above?

A - All things & at all times

B - Believer community

C - Country


Without ceasing we need to pray,

Even when we don’t know what to say.

Always at His feet we ought to lay;

And our entirety to Him we pay.

In His presence, with all gay,

Until comes the day

When we see the ray,

Endlessly, pray.. pray.. pray..


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