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Sow your seed

Luke 8 : 5-15

Verse 5 - A sower went out to sow his seed.

Step 1 - Know your role - “A sower“

Step 2 - Know your responsibility - “To sow“

Step 2.1 - Know where to start - “went out“

Step 2.2 - Know how to sow - “scatter the seeds“

Step 2.3 - Know what to sow - “his seed“

Step 3 - Set your expectations & wait for God


1) Know your role - “A sower“

  • Realise who you are in God

  • Remember your calling

  • Remind yourself of the Great Commission ( Mat 28:19, 20 )

2) Know your responsibility

Our responsibility as a sower is to sow. Before that, other things like getting the ground ready too is important. We ought to pray and ask God to prepare the hearts and mind of people to receive the seeds and be able to produce harvest.

  • So, what is the first step after the preparation? ‘Went out‘ - The first step to take is.. ‘to take the first step‘. We need to ‘go out’. We need to move out of our comfort zones, our routines and start our journey of sowing by going into the field(the battlefield, the place of cultivation, the prepared ground).

  • The second step is to ‘scatter‘ the seed. What is the significance of ‘scattering‘? Why has it not been mentioned as ‘sowing‘? —> Acts 8:4 - Those who were ‘scattered‘ spread the word in every place they went.

If we sow, then we do it only to just ‘one person‘ or ‘just a single situation‘. But if we scatter it, it can reach different types of people & situation. Though at times, ‘reaching one person at a time‘ is the best way, it is also wise to ‘scatter‘ the seeds(efforts, words) across places so that we can get a harvest from many places even at the same time.

  • What seed should we scatter?

‘his seed‘ - Things that we already know and have experienced. The truths that God has taught us thus far. The testimonies in our lives. (II Tim 3 : 14).

3) Finally, the sower would have set his expectations high because he knew he scattered his seed and that God is the rewarded. As mentioned in I Cor 3:17 - It is God who gives the increase.

The sower does not know how the soil is or how the climatic conditions would be. But like a sower who expectantly looks up to the sky for the rain, we too ought to look unto God to send His rain and make the seeds to grow and bring forth a harvest in due season.

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