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Is ‘Prayer’ your steering wheel or your spare tyre? - Corrie Ten Boom

Updated: Feb 14, 2020

How long has it been since you had a daily relationship with your Heavenly Father?

Jesus, though He was the Son of God needed to pray. (Hebrews 5:7)

God’s ears are attentive to our prayer. He is always on the lookout for praying person. (Ezekiel 22:30)

You’re a righteous person! Yes you were washed by the blood of Jesus, Amen! Did you know that, the effective and fervent prayer of the righteous avails much?

What happens when we pray?

Jesus says,

Whatever you bind on earth is bound in heaven! Whatever you loose on earth is loosed in heaven! Amen!

Isn't this more powerful, than all of the powerful men of this world put together?

Our prayers go up as an incense before God. When we pray, we set ourselves right before the throne of God!

What is the best way to pray?

Pray in the Spirit, also pray with understanding. (1 Corinthians 14:15)

Do you know how to pray?

The Word says - we do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Holy Spirit is our aid.


Part 1 - Personal Prayer Life

The first Garden - Eden:

Everything in Eden was beautiful, filled with fragrant flowers and delicious fruits. The best part was, God walked in that garden in the cool of the day. He came to meet Adam and Eve. He desired to commune with them everyday. So envious, right?

Even today God wants to walk in the garden, the garden is our spirit, the fruits are the fruits of the spirit, the fragrant flowers are gifts of the spirit.

There was no rain in those days, a mist went up and watered the garden to produce all the wonderful and pleasant trees and plants.

What can make our garden boom, a mist from God Himself? Yes! He is the Blessed Holy Spirit.

Garden of Gethsemane:

In Gethsemane, the Son of God, was a powerless human. It was a fierce battle, the flesh against the spirit, the spirit against the flesh.

This is what Jesus said, Nevertheless, let Your will be done!

This was enough to shut down every force of the enemy. Yes He won over death and triumphed victoriously!

Maybe you're facing a Gethsemane in your life. You are at the brink of a breakthrough, do not give up! Shut down the forces of darkness.

A God who fills up our longing in prayer:

When Moses descended from Mount Sinai, after basking in Glory for 40 days. He came down to see something, that should have never happened, the golden calf.

He prays and intercedes for the people of God and sets himself aside. Imagine the pain and shame that Moses faced after that incident. It could have been unbearable.

In Exodus 33, he prays to God, in verse 11, he expresses his longing before God saying- please show me your Glory. This was Moses' personal prayer experience with God.

God makes all His goodness pass before Moses- this has never been done to any human before or after.

You may also go through a situation that should not have happened, perhaps you’re trying to pray, to get out of it.

Maybe, you are right, others are wrong, but you are wrongly accused too! Set yourself in the presence of God, express your longing for Him, He will do something that was never done for any other human.

Part 2 - Why should we pray?

1 John 5:19 says that, the whole world is under sway of the wicked one!

We essentially have to pray to keep us under the Move of God, out of the worldly sway.

What should we remember when we pray?

1. Repentance, the Blood of Jesus must cleanse us - Everyday.

2. Ask, seek and knock. We have the privilege that even angels do not have.

3. Pray for our burden, burdens for the cause of the Kingdom.

4. Prayer life should not be based on our mood alone.

5. We need to battle in prayer! Not any other means.

Byproducts of prayer:

1. The divine nature of God is formed in us through His precious Spirit. (2 Peter 1:4)

2. Prayer makes us the persons God intended for us to be, the enemy tries to destroys it. But we are more than conquerors in Christ Jesus!

3. God opens our eyes, as he opened up Elisha’s servant’s eyes to see His provision that is already made available! Amen!

4. Do you believe that your prayers can stop a person for committing suicide? Or can mend broken lives and families? If not just try and see, For our God is an awesome God!

If these are only the byproducts, then how blissful and ecstatic prayer is.


Part 3 - We are in the last moments of the last days!

It can't be stressed further. The Glorious rapture of bride of Jesus is very imminent! But the question is,

are you prepared, are you worthy to be taken up?

What does Jesus say?

Luke 21:36 - Watch and pray that you maybe counted worthy!

Prayer is significant in the last days to ‘keep’ us from the wicked one (1 John 5:18).

Since we do not know the exact Time of the coming of Jesus we need to watch and pray (Mark 13:33).

Let us not be weighed down, ‘too-occupied’ with worldly activities. Let our ears be tuned to hear the last trumpet. Let us spend time to pray, for He is near and at the door (James 5:9).

If you do not pray now, maybe you can never!


Part 4 - What we should be careful about when we pray?

1. Mark 12:40 - Do not pretend to pray. It will not last long.

2. Exodus 10:1- Be careful not to offer profane fire (profane incense - prayer) before God.

Never try to substitute prayer with anything else.

3. Mark 11:24 When you pray, believe that you will receive it, and you will! Because those who doubt will never get anything from God (James 1:5-6). Also, 1 John 5:14 says that when we ask according to His will He hears us!

4. 2 Peter 3:9- God is not slack concerning the Promise of His coming!

Therefore do not be slack in your prayers!


Stay blessed!

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