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Be Zealous

Definition of the term ‘zeal‘ - Great energy or enthusiasm in pursuit of a cause or objective

வைராக்கியம் - ஒன்றின் மேல் அல்லது ஒருத்தரின் மேல் காட்டும் உறுதியும் , மனப்பிணைப்பும்

What are some of the common things that we are zealous about in our daily lives?

  • Sports / Sport stars

  • Music

  • Reading books

  • Gadgets and innovations

  • Engineering - Those VIPs who try zealously to clear their arrears :P

We are all zealous about something or the other. For those who are not zealous about anything, may God be gracious! :P

Some instances from the bible where a people people demonstrated zeal, which we too can relate to even today.

1) Zeal on ‘his own people‘ & tribe (சொந்த ஜனம்)

Exo 2:11-15 | Moses killed an Egyptian who was punishing a co-Hebrew.

We too can relate to this, right? #Thamizhanda (We want Jallikattu) #தமிழன்டா / Our caste (especially during marriage)

2) Zeal towards ‘tradition & culture‘

Gal 1:14 | Saul was very zealous for the traditions of his fathers, very prevalent at that time. He made sure he followed them even more than all the other religious people at that time in his society.

We too can relate to this. Eg: Going to church, giving tithes, weddings & other traditions

3) Zeal for ‘witnessing’

Mark 1:45 | The leper went about throughout the city and told about the healing he received from Jesus. This was his act of gratitude.

In a similar way, even today there are some people who are so very jumpy-jumpy (ஆர்வ கோளாறு) to tell their testimony.

All the above 3 examples were ‘very good‘ and the intentions too were good.

Moses : Supported the People of God

Saul : Followed the God-given law

Leper : Spreading his testimony

But, though the intentions for good, if we look deeper into the other side of these incidents, we see the negative consequences or outcomes these instances have.

Moses : Committed murder (against God’s law)

Saul : Followed ‘empty‘ traditions (even persecuted the People of God)

Leper : Prevented Jesus from entering into that city again

So, here’s the question to you..

What are you zealous about? What drives your zeal?

From the above examples:

Moses : Emotion

Saul : Ego & man pleasing attitude

Leper : Disobedience to Jesus’ words to him

Now, let’s look at a few instances which is the type of Godly zeal that we need to really care about.

a) Num 25:11 | Phinehas

He killed a couple who transgressed against God, thereby turning away the wrath of the Lord from the People of Israel.

— Zeal against Sin

b) Ps 69:9 | David

David was zealous for the ministries of God. He was zealous for the church, that is, reverence & respect for God in the church/temple.

According to 1 Cor 3:16 - We are the temple of God & therefore in this context, this drives home the point that we need to be zealous about keeping the temple of God pure & holy, safeguarding our salvation.

— Zealous towards purity, holiness & salvation

c) 1 Cor 14:12 | Spiritual gifts

God expects us to desire the best gifts & to be zealous for the things that build the kingdom of God and edify the church.

— Zeal towards spiritual blessings & experiences

d) II Cor 9:2 | Giving & fellowship

The Corinthian church was very zealous in giving, even out of their poverty.

Luke 6:38 | They gave their money to the Work of God. They also gave their attention for prayer, devotion & fellowship. This is the same case even in the Early Church when we read from the book of Acts of the Apostles.

e) Tit 2:14 | Good works

God has called & chosen us unto good works. He expects us to be role models & to cater to the needs of the church and to the society where are placed in.

So, what are you zealous about? எதிலே வைராக்கியம் பாராட்டுகிறாய்? ….

On your own things? OR on the things of God?

A recent trend among youngsters is their zeal of being “social on social media”. They like to post things first hand, get maximum likes & followers etc.,

Right, so till now you’ve been patiently reading this. You may even wonder like ‘Whats in it for if I be zealous for the things of God?‘

Well, here is what the ‘Zeal of the Lord‘ does for you..

a) II Kin 19:30,31 | He will restore, reinstate & establish you

b) Isa 59:17 | He will fight our battles(God wears His zeal as cloak)

c) Isa 9:7 | He makes peace & justice abound in our life.

The question repeats. What are you zealous about? எதிலே வைராக்கியம் பாராட்டுகிறாய்?

If you’ve been zealous on you own things, or on your friends or on traditions or for social media,

Rev 3:19 - As many as I love, I rebuke & chasten. Be zealous therefore and repent.

Are you also willing to say like in II Kin 10:16 - “Come with me and see my zeal for the Lord“?

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